Day 19 - Wednesday 23rd December 2009
Today has been designated a 'Rest Day' and I more than anybody needed it. Spent most of the day in bed battling my chest infection and cold mixed in with some flu and a very soar throat. The night at the Jerusalm (Al Quds) hotel was nice enough and the staff were very friendly despite my awkward requests. firstly for a salt shaker full of lat and then a Plug adaptor so I could use my UK charger, both times with a pleaant smile and at no extra cost they obliged.
If you come out of the Hotel and turn left, about 5 - 10 minute walk down is the Al Mukhtar Mall, which is actually really nice, rather surreal. The heavy traffic was creating a lot of pollution, which wasn't doing my chest any good, so I didn't stay out too long.
Only 1 photo today, to be honest I was feeling very ill plus had a lot of nose bleeds, very serious ones, I had to buy a box of tissues as it was so bad. Mixture of illness, heat and I suppose greasy fast food, but there wasn't much else to eat.
GOOD NIGHT will be at the Jeruselam (Al Quds) hotel once again, the roooms are dated but very comfortable, Alhumdolillah.
TOP TIP - If you need anything at all, make sure to ask the Hotel staff, they are only too happy to help. If you need to go anywhere during the day, best to walk, there are a lot of taxis everywhere and unless you are an Arabic speaker and can haggle, its not really worth it. Jordan also has a lot of Shopping Malls which are very cliche and tacky to a certain degree, but they are also very clean and make a pleasant change from roughing it.